Bluetooth beacon i3 from Minew: The little helper for innovative IoT solutions

Bluetooth beacon i3 from Minew: The little helper for innovative IoT solutions

In the world of wireless communication and IoT (Internet of Things), there are a variety of devices that help us automate processes and improve interaction with the environment. One of these useful helpers is the Bluetooth Beacon i3 from Minew, a compact and powerful Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacon that enables a wide range of…

Small beacon device, big possibilities

Small beacon device, big possibilities

The use of a small beacon device in a company can provide many opportunities to improve infrastructure and production through optimization. Location beacon technology is an excellent way to access inventory and efficiently retrieve items. A small beacon device is a tool for managing warehouses in large quantities. The beacon helps to instantly transmit information about items/products.

5 IoT solutions for industrial security

5 IoT solutions for industrial security

Industrial workplaces must become safer. According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), almost 400 million workers worldwide are injured at work every year. Almost 3 million people lose their lives due to work-related accidents and illnesses. Traditional safety programs, when implemented, are clearly not enough to eliminate workplace hazards. A new generation of IoT tools and applications is contributing to industrial safety.